Baptisms (or 'Christenings') are normally held on all Sundays except 2nd Sunday of the month at 12.15pm. They may also be part of the 10.30am service on the 1st or 3rd Sundays. Baptism signifies the spiritual birth of a person into the Christian faith and church family and requires a commitment by the parents and godparents to nurture the child's spiritual growth. Before baptism takes place parents and godparents are carefully prepared for their responsibility.
Parents should be resident in the parish of Hayes, or have some other connection to St Mary's Church. Parents and children are also encouraged to attend the 'Fresh Start' service regularly. This is held on the second Sunday of the month from 9.15 - 9.45am and is aimed specifically at pre-school children.
A service of 'Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child' (with prayers for God's blessing) is offered as an alternative to Baptism. This could be considered when parents do not feel able, or ready, to take on the spiritual promises which they and godparents make on behalf of the child in Baptism. Families are also encouraged to attend the 'Fresh Start' service as described above.