Leader: Gina Goddard (020 8462 7663 – term time only).
Monday – Friday, 9 am – 12 noon; Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, 12.45 – 3.45pm. Lunch club available on days where there are afternoon sessions.
The Pre-School Playgroup began in 1963 in the Old Church Schools on Hayes Street and has been a popular playgroup ever since. It is a Church group and celebrates the Christian festivals. Children of other faiths are very welcome and parents' wishes are respected. There are two classes, held in the small and large halls. The small hall is registered for 16 children and the large hall for 32 children. There is a safe enclosed garden that is used every day. Parents are invited to an Open Morning prior to their child joining the Group.
The Group offers -
- A specially tailored curriculum leading to the approved Learning Goals
- Individual care and attention, made possible by a high ratio of adults to children
- Opportunities for parents and families to be involved in their child's progress
The Group operates an equal opportunities policy and welcomes children regardless of gender, race, class, religion or any other factor. Parents are asked to complete an admission form which is filed and each child's name is placed on the waiting list. Selection for places is carried out on the basis of date of birth and date of application. The Group has a waiting list, so it is important to place a child's name on the waiting list at the earliest opportunity. Places for 2-1/2 year olds are limited and a child is classed as 2-1/2 until they have reached their 3rd birthday.
For further information see their website: www.stmaryspreschoolplaygroup.co.uk