At 10.30am Service on the first and fifth Sunday of each month Sunbeams join the rest of the congregation in church for the first ten minutes of the service where they are encouraged to go up to the front for a lively song to play some instruments and make some noise! After the song and a prayer, the children leave to meet in age-appropriate groups:
3-5 years, Sunbeams - Younger Children's Group on First and Fifth Sundays of the month
6-10 years, Blaze - Children's Group on the 2nd and Fourth Sundays of the month
Under 3s are invited to play and read with parents on the carpeted area at the back of the church. There is a selection of books and toys to choose from. Changing facilities are available.
Sunbeams and Blaze are lively and stimulating, offering a chance for young people to discover more about their faith through a wide range of activities.